Hello, you are lucky to be here.
Located in Sunnyvale, CA, glad to have a coffee with interesting people like me.
I am a creator.
I am a developer.
Last semester, I am cracking on code exercises and seeking for interesting opportunities.
As a big fans of online learning, I collected over 12 MOOC certifications on Coresera, edx, OpenSAP, OpenHIP, and some local moon websites during 2014-1018.
As a big fan of language learner, I can speak Chinese, English, Japanese, and some Spanish, my wish to learn Hebrew someday in the future. My enthusiasm and persistence on language learning like her enthusiasm on 3D modeling.
My wish is to improve my public speaking skills then use my personality and ≈ to influence my life and others.
My wish is to implement my art spirit into my engineer career, and use my personality, multi-domain knowledge
to influence more people.
"It’s best for a developer to have a ‘Research Thinking’, knowing what kind of algorithm can be used to solve problem, and when facing a specific problem, knowing which kind of research is most likely to turn to for help."
"It is best for a researcher to have the ‘Developer Thinking’, when doing research, think about some more aspects of the benefits can be brought to people, and think about what kind of industry influence their research can make."
- from a senior researcher in MSRA